11 research outputs found

    A nanoporous capacitive electrochemical ratchet for continuous ion separations

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    Directed ion transport in liquid electrolyte solutions underlies numerous phenomena in nature and industry including neuronal signaling, photosynthesis and respiration, electrodialysis for desalination, and recovery of critical materials. Here, we report the first demonstration of an ion pump that drives ions in aqueous electrolytes against a force using a capacitive ratchet mechanism. Our ratchet-based ion pumps utilize the non-linear capacitive nature of electric double layers for symmetry breaking which drives a net time-averaged ion flux in response to a time varying input signal. Since the devices are driven by a non-linear charging and discharging of double layers, they do not require redox reactions for continual operation. Ratchet-based ion pumps were fabricated by depositing thin gold layers on the two surfaces of anodized alumina wafers, forming nanoporous capacitor-like structures. Pumping occurs when a wafer is placed between two compartments of aqueous electrolyte and the electric potential across it is modulated. In response to various input signals, persistent ionic voltages and sustained currents were observed, consistent with net unidirectional ion transport, even though conduction through the membrane was non-rectifying. The generated ionic power was used in conjunction with an additional shunt pathway to demonstrate electrolyte demixing

    Roadmap on semiconductor-cell biointerfaces.

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    This roadmap outlines the role semiconductor-based materials play in understanding the complex biophysical dynamics at multiple length scales, as well as the design and implementation of next-generation electronic, optoelectronic, and mechanical devices for biointerfaces. The roadmap emphasizes the advantages of semiconductor building blocks in interfacing, monitoring, and manipulating the activity of biological components, and discusses the possibility of using active semiconductor-cell interfaces for discovering new signaling processes in the biological world

    Reflectin as a Material for Neural Stem Cell Growth

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    Cephalopods possess remarkable camouflage capabilities, which are enabled by their complex skin structure and sophisticated nervous system. Such unique characteristics have in turn inspired the design of novel functional materials and devices. Within this context, recent studies have focused on investigating the self-assembly, optical, and electrical properties of reflectin, a protein that plays a key role in cephalopod structural coloration. Herein, we report the discovery that reflectin constitutes an effective material for the growth of human neural stem/progenitor cells. Our findings may hold relevance both for understanding cephalopod embryogenesis and for developing improved protein-based bioelectronic devices